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I feel very strongly that it’s the healing medicine from the Wise Woman that’s needed in our world today.

This podcast aims to create a space for Her wisdom, Her magic, Her ancient feminine power to flow through - to you - helping to Awaken Your Inner Wisdom.

And it’s clear she is calling us to awaken - the podcast has had over 450,000 unique downloads.

You can find the podcast on Spotify and Apple.

Latest podcast episodes

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Ancestral Healing is a Doorway into Your Inner Wisdom

In this episode, which is an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You, we explore how each ancestral wound you carry is a doorway into an ancient wisdom within you – and how, as you step through this doorway, this deeper wisdom will guide you to the medicine you need to heal this old wound.

I also share about the shamanic journey I did into my coronary arteries - and how I discovered that they connected me with my ancestors, helping me to heal deep wounds held in in my ancestral lineage.

Finding Your Soul Gifts

This episode is a short extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – this time sharing how it is through journeying into the sacred darkness that you discover the soul gifts and healing medicine you are meant to share with others.

You can only find these golden light-filled soul gifts by journeying into the underworld. It's as if they are kept safe for you in the womb of the Dark Mother, until you're ready to make this sacred journey of healing. 

Latest podcast episodes

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Transforming Your Ancestral Wounds into Healing Medicine

This episode is a short extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You, where I share that when a wound remains unhealed, it becomes toxic and infected, creating something of a poisonous chalice that is passed down from one generation to the next. 

Until someone decides to heal it.

This short snippet is also featured in the longer episode called How Ancestral Healing is a Doorway into Your Inner Wisdom.

The Wise Woman Speaks to You through Your Heart

This episode is a short extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You, where I share how it was the Wise Woman within me who knocked very loudly on my heart, that November full moon, urging me to awaken. 

Your Inner Wise Woman speaks to you too, through the whispers of your heart.

This short snippet is also featured in the longer episode called How Ancestral Healing is a Doorway Into Your Inner Wisdom.

Latest podcast episodes in the new season of

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Meet the Animal Elders with Asha Frost

Meet the wonderful Asha Frost, who’s an Indigenous Medicine Woman, and healer, and she’s just come out with a new oracle deck called the Animal Elders Oracle.

Asha will share with us how her own relationship with the Animal Spirits began, and how this deck can help us connect more deeply with the wisdom from our animal spirits, and from our elders.

She’ll also do a card reading for all of us – which absolutely floored me – it was so spot on!!! And it would not surprise me if it will be incredibly accurate for you too. 

So bring your question into the session, and let this card reading speak to you. Trust that the message coming through – whenever you listen to this - is right for you at this time.

Asha is the author of the groundbreaking book You Are the Medicine, and the creator of The Sacred Medicine Oracle.

If you want to find out more about Asha, and her work, then visit ashafrost.com

Animal Elders Oracle Reading with Asha Frost

In this episode, Indigenous Medicine Woman and healer, Asha Frost, will do an Animal Elders Oracle Reading for us.

This reading absolutely floored me – as it was so spot on!!!

So think of a question, and then listen to this oracle reading, and let the Universe bring you the answer you are meant to receive today.

This episode is a short snippet from the longer interview with Asha Frost, where she shares more about her Animal Elders Oracle Deck. 

Asha is the author of the groundbreaking book You Are the Medicine, and the creator of The Sacred Medicine Oracle.

If you want to find out more about Asha, and her work, then visit ashafrost.com

Latest podcast episodes

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Meet Your Inner Wise Woman

In this episode I’m sharing with you an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – this time introducing you to the Wise Woman, and how her powerful presence already lives within you.

The Wise Woman is the ancient feminine wisdom wired into your DNA and maternal mitochondria, inherited through the mother line, your direct link with the ancient mother.

She knows it's the darkness of the womb that births the light of new life. She also knows this new life must continue to receive light to grow.

The Dark Mothers and Light Mothers

In this episode I’m sharing with you an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – introducing you to the Dark Mothers and Light Mothers, and how they can help us grow, blossom and expand.

This short snippet is also featured in the longer episode called 'Meet Your Inner Wise Woman'.

Medicine of Darkness and Light

In this episode I’m sharing with you an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – introducing you to the healing medicine of darkness and light., and why we need both.

This short snippet is also featured in the longer episode called 'Meet Your Inner Wise Woman' (which I warmly recommend you listen to).

Latest podcast episodes

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Sacral Wealth with Seren Bertrand

Meet the amazing enchantress Seren Bertrand, who will take us into the realm of feminine magic, sacral wealth and the priestess lineages. 

She’ll share with us how the time is now here for women to fully step into their feminine power and magic, where we are fully resourced and can create a new world into being. 

She’ll also guide us on a journey, where you meet the dragon of your ancestral wealth – a wealth that is sacred, and aligned with your womb and with the Divine Mothers.

Seren is the author of the groundbreaking books Womb Awakening, Magdalene Mysteries, and Spirit Weaver.

For more information about Seren and her work, visit www.serenbertrand.com

Meet the Dragon of Your Ancestral Wealth

Seren Bertrand guides you on a journey to meet the Dragon of your Ancestral Wealth. 

This meditation is also featured in her podcast episode Sacral Wealth with Seren Bertrand.

Seren is the author of the groundbreaking books Womb Awakening, Magdalene Mysteries, and Spirit Weaver.

For more information about Seren and her work, visit www.serenbertrand.com

Latest podcast episodes

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Your Heart Knows How to Heal You

In this episode I’m sharing with you an extract from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You – The Sacred Medicine in the Four Chambers of the Heart

In this book your heart becomes your teacher, taking you on a journey of healing, transformation, magic and rebirth, where you awaken your inner wise woman.

This is the journey my heart took me on, when I had a heart attack – an event which was a doorway into a deeper wisdom – a wisdom found in the ancient feminine – a wisdom that I discovered was already embedded within my bones, flowing through my veins and wired into my DNA. 

A wisdom that also lives within you.

Stars Cannot Shine without the Darkness of the Night

Just as stars cannot shine without the darkness of the night, a diamond can't be formed without pressure being exerted upon it.

You are meant to develop your inner diamond so that you can share your light and unique gifts with others. And for your inner diamond to form, you may need the pressure of various challenges coming into your life. These can often be experienced as periods of intense darkness.
 For many of us, this darkness is like an invitation from our soul, urging us to go deeper on our healing journey—so instead of avoiding this darkness, we are being invited to journey into it.

How My Heart Became My Teacher

In this short snippet from my book Your Heart Knows How to Heal You I’m sharing about how my heart sent me an invitation to step through a doorway into a deeper wisdom found in the feminine.

This invitation came on a full moon, on a cold November day, and it would forever alter me.

My heart took me on a healing journey of transformation, magic and rebirth, awakening my inner Wise Woman – this ancient feminine magic and power that is embedded within our bones, flowing through our veins and wired into our DNA.

A selection of prevous podcast episodes from

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Sacred Medicine with Asha Frost

Meet the wonderful Asha Frost who is an Indigenous Medicine Woman, healer, soul seer and spiritual mentor.

Asha has worked as an Indigenous Healer for two decades and has facilitated thousands of ceremonies through individual appointments, healing circles, retreats and workshops.

In this interview she shares about her oracle deck called 'The Sacred Medicine Oracle', where each card carries a sacred energy. She also does a powerful reading for all of us.

Witches' Wisdom with Phyllis Curott

Meet the incredible Phyllis Curott, who is a spiritual pioneer and attorney, and as one of America’s first public witches, teachers and advocates, she has spent more than 40 years helping Witchcraft become the fastest growing spirituality in America and expanding its reach across the globe.

She’s the best-selling author and creator of 'The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot' and in this interview she shares how Witches’ Wisdom is the wisdom of the Earth, a guide to help us find our way home back to the sacred world. She explains why it is relevant now, and how it can help us weave a new future into being.

Meet the Dark Goddess Hecate

Meet the amazing Sophie Bashford, who is the author of You Are a Goddess, and the creator of the Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle Cards.

Sophie introduces us to the Greek Dark Goddess Hecate, and how she can help us heal the witch wound. She also explains why it is that so many who carry goddess wisdom can feel ‘blocked’ or resistant to revealing their true self and true spiritual gifts – and how Hecate can help us heal our deep inner fears so we can share our gifts and wisdom with the world.

Dark Night of the Soul with Spring Washam

Meet healer Spring Washam, who’s also an incredibly wise teacher and author.

Spring shares about her recent Dark Night of the Soul experience that moved her through a shamanic death and rebirth process.

Spring gives us hope and encouragement for how we can move through our own Dark Night of the Soul with more faith and awareness, and with an understanding that it's an initiation.

Creativity, Clarity and Asking for our Needs

HeatherAsh Amara, who’s a community leader and best-selling author of the Warrior Goddess series, The Warrior Goddess Way, and The Toltec Path of Transformation.

HeatherAsh shares her wisdom about Leadership, Creativity and Clarity, and asking for our needs. HeatherAsh is a true leader, with such compassion and integrity, and she helped me see, with clarity, the importance of knowing how to ask for what you need, and to ask it in a way that is without expectation, and without abandoning yourself.

Meet the Norse Goddess Freya

Meet the incredible goddess wisdom keeper Chameli Ardagh, who is also a yogini and mystic.

Chameli is a master in decoding the goddess myths and in this interview she introduces us to the Norse goddess Freya – and her interpretation of Freya is absolutely amazing!

She also takes us on a journey to meet Freya.

The Wisdom found in the Healing Waters

Meet mystic Rebecca Campbell, who is a also a writer and podcaster. Rebecca helps us connect with the wisdom within, through her books, oracle decks and podcast episodes.

In this interview she shares about her Healing Waters Oracle, how the calling to dive deeper into the healing mysteries of the waters came to her, and how it can help us tune in to our inner wisdom. She also does a reading for us all.

Wild Wisdom with Michelle MacEwan

Meet spiritual teacher Michelle MacEwan who’s also a storyteller and activist, coming from a long lineage of healers and wisdom keepers in the Gaelic tradition.

Michelle shares what wild wisdom is and practical tools for how we can access our deeper wisdom found in our heart.

She also reads a beautiful poem for us.

Descent and Rising with Carly Mountain

Meet psychotherapist Carly Mountain, who's also a women’s initiary guide and writer. She’s written the amazing book, Descent and Rising: Women’s Stories and the Embodiment of the Inanna Myth.

She shares with us how the ancient myth of Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, and her dark sister Ereshkigal, provides us with a map for our own healing journey.

Radical Love Shift with Helena Montelius

Meet Helena Montelius, who’s a certified facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie.

Helena shares how we can move through a radical love shift by dissolving our underlying beliefs about love, romantic relationships, our partners and sex, and how this can help us to move through a radical inner shift, where we begin to find peace within, so we can experience joy and fulfilment in our relationships.

Goddess Spirituality as the Path of Immanence

Meet mystic Maya Luna, who's also an oracular poet and teacher of deep feminine wisdom.

She shares with us how the feminine path of spirituality differs from the masculine spiritual path, and how goddess spirituality is the path of holy incarnation and immanence.

She also explains how sacred rage is holy, and how it can help us connect with our life force and wellbeing.

Shamanic Womb Journey

Go on a shamanic journey into the wisdom of your womb, being guided by the amazing Deborah Stanley.

On this journey you meet your inner Maiden, Mother, Queen and Crone. This journey was part of the interview with Debs, in the episode called Meet the Womb Shaman and Spirit Keeper of the Wild Feminine. But it's such a fabulous journey that I wanted to feature it also as a standalone, so you can listen to it at any time you'd like to go deeper into the wisdom of your womb.

A selection of Shamanic Healing & Shamanic Journey podcast episodes from

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

Mystical Prayer to the Divine Mothers

This is a very powerful prayer to the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light, which moves you through your own rebirth, awakening an ancient wisdom that lives inside of you.

You'll surrender to the Divine Mothers all that which you are meant to let go of, so you can let the Wise Woman within you RISE once more, helping to birth a new consciousness into being.

Weave a New Story into Being

Meet the Norse Goddess Saga - the goddess who can see into the future by tracking the strands of what is coming.

In Swedish her name means 'story, so Saga can also help us become free of our old stories, so we instead can weave new stories into being, by becoming more conscious of the energy we infuse into our thoughts, words and actions.

The shamanic journey is pretty hard-hitting and will absolutely help you shift your focus - from fear to love, and from doubt to trust - so you can weave a new story into being.

Shed Your Old Skin So New Life Can Emerge

In this journey, you'll connect with the Tree of Life (your nervous system) where you'll be working on releasing what has kept you trapped in the past, through your roots (ancestral patterns and old programming).

You'll also work with the beautiful, ancient healer, the Serpent Mother, who is a symbol for the goddess, for healing, regeneration and rebirth.

She shows us how we can gently let go of our old identities, old wounds and scars, just like she sheds her skin.

During this journey you'll release many layers of that which has been holding you back, so you can move with more ease into the future.

Finding Your Magic

In this episode, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling pretty stuck in a dark place, and disconnected from her loved ones.

Through the initial linguistic part of our session, she starts to discover what it is that she needs to connect with in order for her to shift, transform, and heal this.

I then track the problem energy, where I discover how this energy is holding her in a bind, and I also track the steps we need to journey through in order for her to heal this.

I recommend listening to this episode with your eyes closed, being totally present, so you allow yourself to go on a journey with us, as this healing session may also bring up things that you might want to witness and transform and heal - and as you journey with us, you begin to heal this within you too.

Reclaiming Your Soul's Light

Meet the Norse Goddess Saga - the goddess who can see into the future by tracking the strands of what is coming.

In Swedish her name means 'story, so Saga can also help us become free of our old stories, so we instead can weave new stories into being, by becoming more conscious of the energy we infuse into our thoughts, words and actions.

The shamanic journey is pretty hard-hitting and will absolutely help you shift your focus - from fear to love, and from doubt to trust - so you can weave a new story into being.

Meeting the Loving Witch of Magic

In this episode you’ll meet a lovely lady, who's longing to follow the path of feminine magic, but she feels her mind is stopping her. It’s as if something is holding her back.

Through the linguistic part of our session, she discovers that she has a deep fear of stepping into her feminine magic, because she fears how it can be misused, and to protect the purity of this magic, she’s buried it deep within.

As I track what's going on in the mythical landscape of her soul, I can witness how there’s an energy holding her in a tight grip, preventing her from moving on to the path of her Highest Destiny – which is the path of feminine magic! It’s so clear that this is what her soul really longs for her to step into.

We then set off on our shamanic journey together, where she begins to realise that it’s now safe for her to awaken this powerful, ancient feminine magic within her, so she can create more light and magic and goodness in the world.

Awaken Your Soul's Ancient Wisdom

In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling really tired, and with a heavy sadness in her heart, causing her heart to contract. 

She’s terrified of walking her path – the path where she’s helping others in a deep way – but in order for her to walk this path, she has to wake up to the truth of who she truly is. 

In my tracking (which this time is of the Tree of Life), I can witness how she’s buried aspects of her soul’s light in her roots on the left (feminine), and how she needs to WAKE HER UP!

As she moves through the shamanic healing journey, she awakens her feminine power and ancient wisdom, and she also begins to realise the Mighty Beings that are walking beside her.

Your Body is a Portal

In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling that her body is her enemy, and this is stopping her from living a life. It’s also stopping her from stepping into service to the world, as she is unable to tap into her full power.

Through our linguistic part of the session, we start to see how this is a pattern of a deeper conflict between the mind and the body, the masculine and the feminine.

In my tracking, I can see how this energy is linked with how the feminine has been trapped in layers of abuse, suppression and violation from the masculine, from patriarchy.

Through our shamanic healing journey, she begins to release this, to shed this, so she instead can embrace the power and light of the feminine – which in this session appears as a similar energy as the Valkyries from the Norse tradition.

Walking with Giants

In this episode in our shamanic healing series, you'll meet a lovely lady who's feeling attacked, where she gets the blame although she hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s as if she’s being persecuted. 

Now, an energy within her is beginning to rise, telling her that this is no longer acceptable. This is the energy of the feminine, and it’s longing to RISE within her.

In my tracking, I begin to witness how this problem energy is affecting her in the mythical landscape of her soul. It’s an energy that’s revealing the deep wounds in both her inner masculine and feminine, and we are being taken on a very magical journey, where she moves through a deep transformation and healing.

In the end, her inner feminine transforms into a giantess, and her inner masculine becomes a giant. So, as she continues on her path through life, following her heart, she now walks with two giants beside her (plus her whole Spirit Team).

A selection of previous interviews when the podcast was called Let Spirit Lead, but now it’s titled

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

The Lost Mode of Prayer

Imagine if you could learn to communicate with the universe? As if you could have a direct line, straight to Spirit?

Well, this is what Gregg Braden found when he discovered a forgotten form of prayer that was lost to the West following the Biblical edits of the early Christian Church.

Through his research he found that this form of prayer was still being used in the remote monasteries of central Tibet, as well as amongst indigenous people of the high deserts in the American Southwest.

The God Solution with Neale Donald Walsch

In this episode you’ll meet Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the famous Conversations with God books. Neale’s books have been translated into 37 languages, and have helped millions of people to connect more deeply with God and their own divinity.

In this interview Neale talks about his latest book, The God Solution – the Power of Pure Love – a book that his publishers rushed to get out into print so as to help us through the current crisis we are in.

Explore the Sacred Forest with Denise Linn

Meet the amazing Denise Linn, author of several bestselling books and creator of many amazing Oracle decks. 

Denise’s personal journey began as a result of a near-death experience at age 17, when she was being shot, and her recovery initiated her into her spiritual path, that lead her to explore many healing traditions, including those from her own Cherokee ancestors.

In this interview she invites you to explore the Sacred Forest, and she also does a reading for all of us from her Sacred Forest Oracle deck. She also takes you on a guided meditation where you meet the beautiful Wolf Spirit in the Sacred Forest.

You Are the Medicine with Asha Frost

Meet the lovely, gentle and powerful Asha Frost, who is an indigenous medicine woman, homeopath and author of the recently published Hay House book called You are the Medicine - in the UK the same book is called The Medicine Within

In this interview Asha shares how we can use the 13 moons, and their animal spirit guides, to help us connect with the wisdom in our own ancestral lineage, so we can start to remember that we do have the medicine within us. 

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Future

In this interview you'll meet stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton, who is an internationally recognised leader in bridging science and spirit. 

Bruce explains how we are now facing the 6th mass extinction our world has ever experienced, and that unless we shift our consciousness, we are going full speed ahead into a disaster, and this is why we all must come together and change – our deep inner programming – so we can create a future that is a the future we CHOOSE.

Shamanism in the Modern World

Meet world renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman, who will share with us her wisdom on shamanism in the modern day world.

Sandra has been teaching shamanism for 40 years, written several award-winning books, presented many audio programs produced by Sounds True, and held several courses for The Shift Network. 

In this interview she’ll be talking about soul retrieval, and the causes of soul loss, and she’ll also take us on a shamanic journey where you connect with your soul’s light.

The Shaman's Dream Oracle

In this episode you'll meet the amazing Colette Baron-Reid, who will talk to us about her Shaman’s Dream Oracle deck, and she’ll also do a reading for all of us.

Colette is an internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, and bestselling author of the book the Map. She is a spiritual medium and the star of the TV series, “Messages from Spirit”, and she’s been featured on Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Oprah and friends’ radio, and on the Today Show.

Why Woo-Woo works with David Hamilton

Meet scientist Dr. David Hamilton, author of several bestselling books, who in this episode talks about his latest book Why Woo-Woo Works.

David shares with us the cutting-edge science behind why  holistic therapies work, why nature is so important and how our beliefs become biology, and at the end of the interview we also dive into the topic of consciousness, the web of life, and how we are all connected.

The 7 Different Types of Spirit Guides

Meet Yamile Yemoonyah, who will share with us the 7 different types of spirit guides, such as angels, ancestors, animal guides, star beings, ascended masters, deities and nature spirits.

Yamile shares how a spirit guide is a being from the higher realm that is connected to us in unconditional love and wants to help us on our spiritual path, or in day-to-day life.

She also outlines a simple process you can do at home for how you can contact your spirit guide.

The Healing Alchemies of the Dark

Meet Dr Azra Bertrand, who is an author, healer, teacher and mystic, renowned for his visionary merging of sacred science, myth and cosmology. 

Azra shares how your body is full of magical potential, and how the darkness contains a potent healing medicine, and how our ancestors understood the importance of this medicine, as they understood the alchemies of the dark and light.

Discover Your Soul Purpose

Meet the inspiring Jane Burns, a world-renowned authority on Celtic Shamanism, who will share with us the Celtic Rite of Marrying the Land, the role of sovereignty, and how we can express our authentic soul essence. 

She’ll also take us on an incredible shamanic journey, that's really powerful, and yet so quick. It affected me very deeply, and I hope it will help you connect with your soul’s truth too.

Feminine Path of Magic with Seren Bertrand

Meet Seren Bertrand, an award winning author of feminine wisdom and magic, who’s written together with her husband Azra, the incredible books Womb Awakening and The Magdalene Mysteries. She’s just published her latest book, Spirit Weaver, wisdom teachings from the feminine path of magic.

In this interview, Seren shares how it’s time to weave new stories and birth new realities, and how we have within us, the secrets of the lost lineages of feminine wisdom.

Meet the Dark Goddess Kali

Meet the wonderful Alana Fairchild, who in this interview shares the powerful, healing and transformational medicine the Dark Goddess Kali brings, a medicine that is truly needed in our world right now.

Many of us are being supported and guided by the Dark Goddess, helping us to birth a new consciousness into being, and Alana’s wisdom will soothe your soul and ignite your passion to keep going, trusting fully in the Divine Wisdom that is forever holding you in a loving embrace. 

Living in the Sacred with Linda Fitch

Meet Linda Fitch, who is a shaman, teacher and coach. Linda has studied and worked with the medicine men and women of Peru for nearly two decades. 

Linda is an amazing shaman, and in this interview she shares three powerful techniques for deep healing and transformation, and at the end she takes us on a very powerful guided journey to find our highest destiny, our highest possibility.

Develop a Fierce Heart with Spring Washam

Meet Spring Washam,a visionary meditation and dharma teacher and healer, who blends shamanic healing practices with Buddhist wisdom.

Spring shares with us how we can develop a fierce heart, so our heart can lead us through this very difficult time we are in right now, and she’ll also take us through a heart-body meditation, so you can tune into the wisdom that lives in your heart.  

Communicate with Your Loves Ones

Would you like to discover how you can communicate with your loved ones on the other side?

Well, that is what psychic medium John Holland will share with us in this interview. John is the author of several bestselling books, and his latest one Bridging Two Realms: Learn to Communicate with Your Loved Ones on the Other-Side offers us an insight into the Spirit World. John draws on his decades of personal experiences with Spirit, and shares with us how our loved ones are just a thought away, and how we can still communicate with them.

Mary Magdalene Revealed

Have you felt a longing to connect with the divine feminine?

Then you are going to love this interview with Harvard-trained theologian Meggan Watterson, who is one of the world’s leading authorities on the divine feminine. In her latest book Mary Magdalene Revealed she offers us the key to reclaiming the divine feminine aspect of Christianity. 

The gospel of Mary Magdalene is as old and as authentic as any of the gospels that now make up the Christian bible, and Meggan is going to share with you the message Mary Magdalene’s gospel has for us all – a message that helps us to discover the radical presence of love around and within us.

Spirit means Business with Alan Cohen

How would it be if you were able to totally trust that Source would always provide for you, even when your circumstances change? So instead of going into a panic that one particular avenue of your abundance, such as a job, has suddenly dried up, you can tune into a deeper trust that Source, that Divine Intelligence that guides all of life, also knows how to guide you to the abundance that is rightfully yours. 

Then this podcast with Alan Cohen is for you, as Alan will share his wisdom in how you can let Spirit guide you in your business, in your relationship with money and much more. 

Disclaimer: Awaken Your Inner Wisdom Podcast is for educational purposes only. The information, techniques, tools and processes, and any shamanic journeys shared in podcast episodes is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease, and it does not replace a diagnosis from a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.

The podcast explores a variety of alternative ways that can result in healing and are based on each author’s personal experience and opinion, but these are for inspirational and informational purposes only, and are not intended to replace advice, or ongoing treatment, from your own doctor or other healthcare professional.

Please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare professional for any concerns regarding your health and wellbeing, prior to taking advice from any of the podcast episodes, as well as if any health concerns arise during listening to any of the episodes (as well as afterwards).

Anyone who chooses to do the work outlined in a podcast episodes, such as the shamanic journeys, must take full responsibility for their own wellbeing and experience.